Every Day is - The Stepping Stone to Greatness
For many years, Airé Libré Publishing & Computing Ltd. unique bundle of skills let us service different types of niches of the market. This allowed us to meet with very interesting people, companies and projects, on three different continents of the globe.
At this time, we are concentrating on servicing the market mainly as a Life Coach, via our A Experiential Elixir, The Life Coaching division, and with our other four skills namely, custom photography, editing, graphic design and business consultancy, we engage only in some special projects. We are also engaged in our own originated literature and educational projects, some of which we offer for sale under the writing section of this web-site.
Please Click Here to visit our A Experiential Elixir, The Life Coaching division page.
We would like to mention that we have a unique pricing manner. We structured our rate as per quarter of an hour (15 minutes), so to help small jobs be done, as well as large ones. We hope you will find it beneficial. Please call us for our current rate and methods of payment, of which our most popular one is Pay Pal.
Choose from the Bundle of Skills:

Contact us for further information and estimates.